Some FAQ’s

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Frequent Questions

  • Networking – Online
    AIMBSN uses exclusive AIMBSN Internal Social Network, other social media groups, messaging apps such as WhatsApp & Telegram to connect their members to conduct business.
  • Membership is open to everyone !!!
    Membership is open to everyone who wants to be professionally involved in the sustainable development of India and support the Government of India's vision of ...
  • Membership Payments
    Membership Payments can be made via the form.
  • Member Discounts
    Member Discounts would be offered on Events & Training.
  • Events & Conferences
    AIMBSN to conduct Training, Workshops, Conferences, and Seminars for members to network and for awareness regarding government policies, opportunities, and trends in business.
  • Eligibility
    Individuals, professionals, investors, startups, organizations from India or Abroad.
  • Refund Policies
    There is no refund of membership fees.
  • Termination of Membership
    1.False Individual & Organization details and information  2. Spams members social media or messaging apps with non-business messages 3. Lacks professionalism in fulling the business ...
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Any Question

    • Address
    • 125, Suitland Street, USA
    • Phone
    • + 786 875 864 75
    • E-Mail